Saudi Arabia Refined Copper Market Overview


  • TRY: 5,000 ₺

Relying on hydrocarbon reserves, Saudi Arabia’s economy is highly dependent to oil and gas industry; while development in non-petroleum economies can be followed by their copper consumption trend. There is no copper smelter and refinery in Saudi Arabia, thus the country is not a refine copper producer. However, this country consumes refined copper in order to produce rod, wire and cables.

Category: .

Product Description

Relying on hydrocarbon reserves, Saudi Arabia’s economy is highly dependent to oil and gas industry; while development in non-petroleum economies can be followed by their copper consumption trend. There is no copper smelter and refinery in Saudi Arabia, thus the country is not a refine copper producer. However, this country consumes refined copper in order to produce rod, wire and cables.


  • Overview of copper mines and reserves in KSA
  • Introducing KSA Copper Cathode Consumers (Semi-Fabricated Industries)
  • Studying Refined Copper Trade through Key KSA Trade Partners
  • Researching Smelting and Refinery Projects in KSA
  • Evaluating Refined Copper Market in KSA
  • Outlook on Saudi Arabia’s Economy and Copper Market

Additional Information


Refined Copper


Saudi Arabia

Report Type


Reasons to Buy

  • Identify the markets in the region with measuring supply, demand and trade volumes
  • Recognize the geographical distribution of demand
  • Evaluate the key players of such markets either local or international
  • Study the opportunities and risks in order to expand market share for the players located inside/outside the market
  • Study the opportunities and risks in order to invest in the market

Table of Contents

  • Abstract
  • KSA, Big Copper Rod Producer
  • DRC’s Cathode rather than Iran’s
  • Rich in Refineries, but Oil Not Copper
  • KSA Refined Copper Demand Market
  • Healthy Economy Outlook for KSA till 2020

List of Figures

  • Fig 1. Refined Copper Trade in KSA, 2012-16
  • Fig 2. Major Suppliers’ Share from KSA Refined Import, 2012-16
  • Fig 3. KSA Refined Copper Demand, 2012-16