Iran’s Copper Scrap and Waste Market Outlook Report


  • TRY: 365,000 ₺

Copper scrap is one of the supply sources in the copper industry. It accounts for a third of total copper consumption in Iran. Scrap is used in either of two ways: it is cast and refined into cathodes or unwrought products, or directly used in the production of copper and alloy semis. In the latter case, production costs are significantly reduced. Thus, copper scrap is mostly cast into unwrought products and sold to upstream buyers (to be converted into cathode) and downstream semis producers. It should be noted that semis producers with fire refining furnaces directly use scrap rather than secondary unwrought copper to produce semis.

Category: .

Product Description

With a GDP of $415 billion in 2019, Iran was the third largest economy in the region that year. While the country’s economy was steadily growing after the drop in 2012 due to the sanctions, it dipped once again in 2019 thanks to the return of the sanctions. Due to its rich copper reserves, the country is the largest copper producer in the region; in 2019, the country was ranked the sixth largest in terms of copper reserves and the fifteenth largest copper producer in the world. But considering the capacity being built in the country, the rank in copper production can improve.

Market drivers of Iran’s copper scrap

Copper scrap is a secondary source of supply after mine production. Global demand for copper is increasing, while mine supply is growing more slowly in comparison. This will widen the gap between mine supply and copper demand, which can be filled with scrap. Thus, many are forecasting stronger global demand for copper scrap. But given the abundant availability of mine resources in Iran, the demand growth is expected to be less pronounced than elsewhere in the world.

With the growing importance of preserving mine resources and the changing attitude towards environmental conservation, secondary sources will gain momentum. As a result, recycling will become increasingly important, supporting demand for scrap.

Currently, due to the high copper prices, copper casting parts in some applications have been replaced with other metals such as aluminum and zamak. With forecasts of higher copper prices in the future, the trend is expected to continue; this will dampen demand growth for copper and scrap.

Overview of Iran’s copper scrap market

Copper scrap supply in Iran surged in the early 2010s, but it declined afterwards following the first round of US sanctions. The relative recovery of industrial activity in the country and increasing rates of scrap collection and recycling are expected to support scrap supply. At the same time, demand for scrap will also grow as a result of improving industrial activity. Therefore, the downtrend in net imports of scrap is expected to continue over the coming years, and copper scrap supply and demand will move further towards balance.

Breakdown of Iran’s copper scrap market

Iran’s copper scrap supply is broken down into old and new scrap. Demand is also analyzed based on three factors. In the first breakdown, copper scrap is categorized according to composition: non-alloy, brass, and alloy (excluding brass); past and future trends for each category have been analyzed. The second factor breaks down the market into cathode scrap, bare bright scrap, telecom scrap, melting scrap, winding wire scrap, and radiator tube scrap. Finally, the third factor makes a distinction based on the type of consumers, including producers of cathode (to produce anode), unwrought products, wire rod, tubes, and casting parts. Unwrought producers hold the largest share in scrap consumption.

Key players in Iran’s copper scrap market

  • National Iranian Copper Industries Co (NICICO)
  • Bahonar Copper Industries Co
  • Yazd Metallurgical Industries

Additional Information


Copper Scrap



Report Type

Industry Report

Reasons to Buy

  • Recognize the geographical distribution of import demand
  • Identify the current and future key players of the trading market
  • Achieve a better insight on potential target markets
  • Understand the behavior of major suppliers/customers either globally or regionally
  • Identify competitors as a feed for market analysis

Table of Content

  1. Executive summary
  2. Introduction
    • Objective
    • Market under study
    • Supply Market
      • Specifications
      • Consumption structure
        • Applications
        • Physical properties
      • Subjects discussed
      • Geographical scope under study
      • Study timeframe
      • Study currency
      • Potential audience
  1. Market dynamics
    • Market drivers
    • Restraints
    • Opportunities
    • Challenges
  2. Market overview
    • Market size
    • Supply
      • Supply trends
      • Efficiency rates
    • Consumption
      • Consumption trend
      • Consumption Share of domestic product
    • Trade
      • Exports
      • Imports
      • Trade balance
      • Market balance
    • Market breakdown by application
    • Inventory
      • Supplier inventory
      • Consumers inventory
  1. Market outlook
    • Market factors
      • Costs and prices
      • Competition
      • The government
      • Other factors
    • Future scenarios
    • Risks to forecast
  2. Consumer markets
    • Direct consumer markets
      • Capacity of Consumer Market
      • Consumer Market Operation
      • Trade of Consumer Market Products
      • Consumer Market Factors
      • Forecast of Consumer Market
  1. Export potentials
    • Destinations
      • Trade and insurance costs
      • Import market suppliers
      • Producers potential share
  1. Available EOL Scrap
  2. Market landscape
    • Domestic sales markets
      • Pricing in the domestic market
      • Potential domestic demand
      • Trade agreements for imports
      • Foreign suppliers
    • Foreign sales market
      • Prices
      • Potential markets overview
      • Trade agreements for exports
      • Foreign customers
  1. Competitive landscape
    • Consumers
      • Company profile
      • Revenue structure
      • Gross profit margins
      • Capacity, Supply and sales
  1. Market attractiveness
    • Industry rivalry
    • Threat of new entrants
    • Threat of substitutes
    • Bargaining power of buyers
    • Bargaining power of suppliers
    • Conclusion of Porter analysis
  2. PESTEL analysis
    • Political factors
    • Economic factors
    • Social factors
    • Technology factors
    • Environmental factors
    • Legal factors
  3. SWOT analysis
    • Short-term strategies
    • Long-term strategies

List of Figures

  1. Supply and consumption; 2012-2021
  2. Market share of product applications; 2021
  3. Market surplus; 2021-2027
  4. Process flowchart
  5. Market size; 2012-2027
  6. Amount of supply; 2012-2027
  7. Efficiency rate; 2012-2027
  8. Amount of consumption; 2012-2027
  9. Consumption share of domestic product; 2012-2027
  10. Exports of product; 2012-2021
  11. Imports of product; 2012-2021
  12. Historical trade balance; 2012-2021
  13. Future Market balance; 2021-2027
  14. Market consumption breakdown by application; 2012-2027
  15. Inventories of suppliers; 2012-2021
  16. Consumers’ inventory of product; 2012-2021
  17. Production forecast, according to supply and sales analysis; 2021-2027
  18. Market surplus; 2021-2027
  19. The share of end-user industries in the consumption; 2012 and 2021
  20. Changes in the end-consumption of products; 2021 vs 2027
  21. Capacity distribution structure of direct consumers; 2021
  22. Existing capacities of direct consumers in each province; 2021
  23. Suppliers of the export potential destination; 2021
  24. Historical exports to the export potential destination and future potential; 2016-2027
  25. Sales channels
  26. Realized price of the product in the market; 2012-2027
  27. Potential demand of each province; 2021
  28. The main foreign suppliers to the market; 2012-2021
  29. FOB price vs domestic market; 2012-2027
  30. Map of global major importers > 20,000t; 2021
  31. Major foreign customers; 2012-2021
  32. Revenue structure of the consumers; FY2021
  33. Sales income and gross profit margin of the consumers; FY2012-2021
  34. Supply and sales of the consumers; FY2012-2021
  35. SWOT matrix
  36. Strategies positioning