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The prominent role of inorganic fluorine compounds and cryolite in the aluminum industry

Global cryolite trade

The export of synthesis cryolite in 2021, is estimated about 110,000 tonnes which Canada with having 21% of market’s share, is known as the biggest cryolite exporter in the world and the USA has got 99% of Canada’s export share so it’s the largest destination for it.

The global import level of synthesis cryolite in 2021 had been about 106,000 tonnes that the share of the USA of this import is about 29% and this turned it into the largest importer and Canada and Mexico is the biggest supplier for these countries.

The crylolite or sodium hexafluoroaluminum is a mineral sodium salt with chemical formula Na3Alf6 . This material is as colorless or white crystalline solid or powder and is synthesized by combining sodium fluoride and aluminum fluoride as an electrolyte in the revival of alumina to aluminum metal and exists in nature as a mineral cryolite.

The mineral fluorine compounds have got a prominent role in aluminum industry so the aluminum production on a global scale could be produced for the first time in with cryolite introduction at the end of 19th century. Aluminum industry is known as the biggest cryolite consumer with consumption 2 kilograms for production of each tonne of aluminum, in a way that in 2021 is estimated that would have used around 135.000 tonnes of cryolite in this industry.

It’s worth mentioning that pure cryolite melts in 1,021 degrees Celsius and it can dissolve aluminum oxide enough to allow easy extraction of aluminum by electrolysis. In addition to, the synthetic cryolite is made of fluorite so the dust of this substance irritates the eyes and skin and its inhalation causes damages to the nose, mouth, and lungs which is counted one of the disadvantages of this mineral.

The further aluminum industry, the use of cryolite in the casting industry, the production of abrasive material, glass, and the Auto industry are also of interest. Due to the wide use of cryolite in various industries, the amount of its trade in the world during the years 2012-2021 was investigated and presented in Figures 1 and 2.

Canada is the biggest cryolite exporter

As figure 1 shows, in 2021 the synthetic cryolite global export has estimated at about 110,000 tonnes, Canada with having 21% share of the market, is considered the largest cryolite importer and exporter in the world, its exports with a 5% annual growth, has reached from about 13,500 tonnes in 2012 to around 22,000 tonnes in 2021 and the USA accounts 99% share of Canada’s exports and became to the largest destination for it.

After Canada, China with 19%, and Norway with 12% share of the market are in second and third rank among the exporters and the amount of China’s export with 1% annual deprecation has reached from 21,700 tonnes in 2012 to around 20,500 tonnes in 2021 and its main export destinations are Malaysia and India. Also, Norway’s export level during the same time with a 7% annual increase has reached from about 6,300 tonnes to 12,900 tonnes.

Drop in exports due to the trade sanction

As it’s obvious in figure 1, the cryolite export level during the years 2012 to 2014 encountered a 30,000 tonnes increase which its main reason was the growth of consumption and global demand for aluminum as the largest cryolite consumer industry, but the problems in the way of production in Canada, the first cryolite exporter in the world, lead to the reduction of the exports in this country and consequently reduction in the world’s exports in 2015, after solving these problems in 2016 the export ramped up again.

From 2016 to 2019 aluminum market was affected by the sanction of the USA Assets Control Office (OFAC) and also, the trade war between China and the USA because of that trade war, this market was affected by the increase in import tariffs in these countries. The results of all mentioned words lead to a significant price rising and decrease in in global exports of cryolite with the elimination and reduction of trade problems, cryolite consumption and production in the world from 2020 to 2021 increase.

The USA, the biggest cryolite importer

Regarding figure 2, the world’s import of synthetic cryolite in 2021 was about 106,000 tonnes the USA accounts for 29% of the market’s share and is known as the biggest importer of synthesis cryolite in the whole world in 2021 its imports level has reached with 21% of annual growth, from 4.400 tonnes in 2012 to about 30,400 tonnes in 2021 and its main suppliers were Mexico and Canada. It’s nice to know that the USA was on the list of the biggest aluminum producers and that one of the biggest metal producers, Alcoa Inc, was in this country.

In the importers’ list, after the USA and Malaysia with the allocation of 16% and Brazil with a 6% share of the market, are in the second and third rank which the imports level of Malaysia has reached with 40% annual growth from about 500 tonnes to 16,700 tonnes in 2021 and China has got 98% of its market and is the main exporter for this country. Also, Brazil’s import level has reached in the mentioned period, with an 8% annual decrease from around 14.500 tonnes to about 6.600 tonnes, Australia and Canada are known as its main cryolite exporter to it.

Cryolite imports depend on aluminum

As it’s said before, during the years from 2012 to 2015 the demand increase in the aluminum industry was the reason for the increase in trade and accordingly growth in cryolite imports in the world, but the production problems in the aluminum industry in Latin America, lead to the demand fall and hence made a decrease in global imports in 2016 that with solving these problems in 2017, lead to imports rise for the second time in the world. It’s also worth noting that the trade problems and the increase in the domestic supply of cryolite in the importer countries in the years 2017 to 2020 have led to a decrease in the global import of cryolite in the years has been mentioned.

ata_khaliliThe prominent role of inorganic fluorine compounds and cryolite in the aluminum industry

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